Friday, February 3, 2012

Time for an Update!!!

I still cannot believe how quickly time goes by!! Addison is 6 1/2 months old already!! She went for her 6 month checkup at the pediatrician which she loved!!! (Well, except for the shots!) This appt Mommy AND Daddy were there to giver her love afterwards. Addison LOVED the crinkley paper that sits over the table. She was talking up a storm and would not let go of the paper when the Dr picked her up. She is hilarious!! The Dr was very happy with her progress overall. She still is not on the growth chart for a 6 month old but according to her adjusted age she is 75th percentile for length (go figure she might be tall!!) and between 10th and 25th for weight.

She was also evaluated by the Early On nurse. She didn't quite pass her assessment, but I was trying to keep her awake which didn't help her show off her best gross motor skills. She doesn't sit up quite as long as she should and needs to start to "scoot" while on her tummy. This means more time in her bumbo and on her tummy. However, she does not stay on her tummy more than a few seeconds and then she rolls over. We force her to stay on her tummy and try to distract her with toys which works sometimes but other times she is just too smart for us!!

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks.

Lookin up at Daddy from her play pen..

Trying out her exersaucer...

Hanging out with Mommy...

 Getting weighed at the Dr

 Getting checked out by Dr Phil...